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1.3.4 Transfer Process to the Leaving Care Team


Criteria for transfer:

  • The young person is 18 years old;
  • The young person comes within the definition of Eligible Young People for Leaving Care Services;
  • This procedure does not apply to young people who are disabled and who will need continuing care into adulthood. They will remain the responsibility of the Children with Disabilities service.(this does not exclude a young person being referred to adults service at a later date if required).

This chapter was introduced to the manual in May 2013.

This chapter is currently under review.


  1. Procedure for Transfer
  2. Documents Required for Transfer

1. Procedure for Transfer

  • A representative from the Leaving Care Team (LCT) will be invited to the Looked After Reviews of a young person from their 16th year onwards, to prepare for their transition into the LCT and every review until their last review prior to the 18th Birthday?
  • The representative PA who attends a young person’s final Looked After Review should be the person who will be appointed as the PA for the young person when they reach 18 and transfer into the Leaving Care Team;
  • The final Looked After Review before a young person reaches 18 will agree the time and date for a Transfer Meeting (as close to the young person’s 18th birthday as possible) between the case holding social work team and the Leaving Care Team Managers. The chair of the final Review will also draw up an individual transition plan process (including who does what/when), as well as highlight any specific issues that may require attention or resolution by/ at the Transfer Meeting;
  • Actual case transfer will take place at the Transfer Meeting.

2. Documents Required for Transfer

  • A transfer summary outlining the young person’s history prior to being Looked After and during the period that they have been Looked After;
  • A copy of the current Pathway Plan which must include the ongoing education training or employment arrangements, Health Assessment including date of last assessment and any outstanding or unaddressed needs and the minutes of the last Looked After Review;
  • Referrals made to both the Placements Team for accommodation + to Redbridge Housing Dept. for social housing provision.
