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2.2.5 Respite Care


Policy Statement:

Children’s Services will ensure that children and young people with disabilities are supported to enable them to remain within their home and community by offering them equality of opportunity, in the allocation of respite and supportive services.

Policy Status:

Children Act 1989
Education Act 1985
Disabled Persons Act 1986
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Care Standards Act 2000
Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000

The Respite Panel meets at least fortnightly every month, to consider all new referrals across the range of services and to review current users respite plans and any change to their requirements.

A referral to the panel must give as much detail as possible regarding the needs of the child. Particular attention should be given to information on any health, medical, special requirements and any manual handling needs for the child.

The referral must indicate (from the assessment of the child) what services would best meet their needs and the level of service required.

Re-referrals are accepted if circumstances have changed, or needs have been misrepresented.

Appeals are accepted and should be put in writing to the panel - if necessary those appealing (does this include parents?) may request to attend the panel for further discussion.

Each referral is presented by the responsible social worker/key worker. The panel will discuss the referral and the recommendations will be recorded.

Parents are notified in writing, within 7 working days, of the outcome of the Panel meeting.

Where a resource request is turned down, clear information is given in the letter sent out and the Panel, where possible, recommends possible alternatives to the support requested.
