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1.2.4 Referral to Disabled Children’s Team


Policy Statement:

Children’s Services policy to have clear and consistent criteria for allocating workers from the Children with Disabilities Team.

Policy Status:

Children Act 1989/2004

Education Act 1985

Disabled Persons Act 1986

Disability Discrimination Act 1995/2000

Care Standards Act 2000

Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000

Human Rights

Data Protection


Children's Disability Service Procedure

Key Points

  1. The Children with Disabilities Teams are now based at two different sites. The 0-9 team is located at Kenwood Gardens Child Development Centre and the 10+ team is based at Station Road;
  2. The disability social workers offer a local authority wide service to children and their families. The workers offer a range of services in line with the relevant legislation and the framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their families (see Redbridge Informed Families website);
  3. Referrals to the Children with Disabilities Team will be accepted for children who have a very significant disability which may include a combination of:
    1. A significant visual impairment;
    2. A significant hearing impairment;
    3. A profound communication impairment;
    4. A severe learning disability;
    5. A significant physical disability.
