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3.5.4 IRO Monitoring Role


Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers Procedure

This chapter was introduced to the manual in May 2013.

Monitoring a Child / Young person’s case on an ongoing basis:

The monitoring role of the IRO is set out in the 1989 Act [Section 25B, 1989 Act].

Between reviews, if the care plan continues to meet the needs of the child there may be no need for any communication between the IRO and the social worker or the child. However, in the event of a change/event in the child’s life that is significant, the social worker must inform the IRO.

This includes:

  • Proposed change of care plan for example arising at short notice in the course of proceedings following on directions from the court;
  • Where agreed decisions from review are not carried out within the specified timescale;
  • Major change to contact arrangements;
  • Changes of allocated social worker;
  • Any safeguarding concerns involving the child, which may lead to enquiries being made under section 47 of the 1989 Act (‘child protection enquiries’) and outcomes of child protection conferences, or other meetings not attended by the IRO;
  • Complaints from or on behalf of child, parent or carer;
  • Unexpected changes in the child’s placement provision which may significantly impact on placement stability or safeguarding arrangements;
  • Significant changes in birth family circumstances for example births, marriages or deaths which may have a particular impact on the child;
  • Where the child is charged with any offence leading to referral to youth offending services, pending criminal proceedings and any convictions or sentences as a result of such proceedings;
  • Where the child is excluded from school;
  • Where the child is running away or missing from the approved placement;
  • Significant health, medical events, diagnoses, illnesses, hospitalisations, serious accidents; and
  • Panel decisions in relation to permanence.
