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1.6.4 Arranging a Medical Examination

Physical Abuse and Neglect  

The Social Worker (or Police Officer) should make direct contact by telephone with the “On-Call Paediatric Registrar” at King George Hospital, Paediatric Accident & Emergency Department (Tel: 020 8983 8000). The request for a medical examination must make it clear that it is an examination to assist an investigation of child protection concerns. A time should be agreed at which the child will be taken to the hospital, King George Hospital or Queen’s Hospital, for examination. These arrangements apply 24 hours a day.

The Social Worker must accompany the child, whether or not either parents or other care(s) are present. On arrival at King George Hospital or Queens Hospital, it is important that the Social Worker and the child report initially to the Paediatric Accident and Emergency (“Casualty”) reception to ensure that the child’s new attendance at hospital is recorded. The Social Worker must tell the hospital staff that an appointment has been arranged with the “On-Call Paediatric Registrar”. The examination will take place at the arranged hospital setting.

Sexual Abuse

The Social Worker (or Police Officer) should telephone the secretary to the Designated Consultant Paediatrician for Safeguarding Children, Dr Sarah Luke, to request an examination. Dr Luke’s secretary can be contacted on 020 8708 5187.

The secretary will arrange a time at which the child should attend a designated clinic for examination by Dr Luke (or another doctor with experience of child sexual abuse) and advise the clinic staff to expect the child. (There is a “Request from Social Worker/Police Child Protection Sexual Abuse Form” for completion by the secretary or referrer when such referrals are made).

Outside office hours the request for an examination should be made to the “On-Call Paediatric Registrar” (via Tel: 020 8983 8000) who will contact the On-Call Paediatric Consultant.

Please note that sexual abuse examinations are performed jointly by a Paediatrician with a Forensic Medical Examiner.
