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1.9.3 Archiving and Retention


This chapter outlines the requirement for archiving social care files at Janice Mews Archives (Children and Families Service Archiving Unit).


Click here to view Archiving and Retention Timescales


This chapter was slightly amended in August 2015 in regard to opening hours for Janice Mews and retention and destruction of files.


  1. Introduction
  2. Archiving of Social Care Files at Janice Mews Archive
  3. Retrieval and Collection of Files from the Janice Mews Archive
  4. Returning of Files Retrieved from Janice Mews Archive
  5. Opening Hours of Janice Mews
  6. The Role of the Archivist
  7. Retention and Destruction of Files
  8. Recommendations

1. Introduction

It is the responsibility of the team manager to ensure that files ready for archiving have the correct destruction date clearly displayed.

It is the responsibility of the team manager to ensure the destruction dates are in line with the Children and Families Service Social Work Case Recording Retention Policy and reflects current and relevant legislation and guidance.

2. Archiving of Social Care Files at Janice Mews Archive

Preparation and Delivery of Files

Prior to any files being accepted for archiving the following requirements must be adhered to:

  1. All files should be in a reasonable condition;
  2. Clearly state the name of the child/young person on the front of the file;
  3. Clearly state the date of birth of the child/young person on the front of the file;
  4. Clearly state the date the file was closed on the front of the file;
  5. Clearly state the destruction date;
  6. If not a social care file - clearly state they type of file i.e. SEN, Legal etc.

If the above section is not completed, the files will not be accepted Where possible it would be helpful if the following information was available:

  1. Clearly state the date the file was opened;
  2. Clearly state the file volume.

Once the above requirements have been completed you will need to:

  1. Contact the Janice Mews Archivist by email;
  2. Outline exactly how many files you wish to archive;
  3. Confirm that you have prepared the files, in line with this policy;
  4. Arrange a suitable time to deliver the files direct to Janice Mews.

3. Retrieval and Collection of Files from the Janice Mews Archive

Prior to requesting a file:

  1. Check on Protocol’s ‘Archived/Paper File’ (this can be found under the ‘Additional’ tab);
  2. If a file has been archived it will say “Janice Mews”;
  3. Make a note of the ID number and DOB.

Complete the archive file request form:

  1. Ensure you complete this form with as much information as possible;
  2. Email form to the Archivist;
  3. The Archivist will issue the request with a number;
  4. The Archivist will check the Janice Mews database for the location of each file;
  5. The Archivist will update the form and return to the requester;
  6. The Archivist will arrange a suitable time for the requester to collect the files from Janice Mews.

4. Returning of Files Retrieved from Janice Mews Archive

Complete the ‘files returned’ form:

  1. Ensure this form is completed with as much information as possible;
  2. Email direct to the Archivist;
  3. Where possible, it would be helpful if the original ‘file request form’ could be attached to the email;
  4. The Archivist will check the Janice Mews database for the location of each file;
  5. The Archivist will update the form and return;
  6. The updated form should be printed off and attached securely to the files being returned;
  7. The Archivist will arrange a suitable time for you to return the files to Janice Mews.

5. Opening Hours of Janice Mews

The archive facility will be open by prior arrangement only.

The archive facility will open for ‘arranged’ deliveries and retrievals only.

The archivist will not accept ‘ad hoc’ visits.

Urgent requests for retrieval can be arranged subject to the availability of the archivist.

6. The Role of the Archivist

  • To ensure the database is up to date;
  • To ensure that Protocol is updated accordingly;
  • To ensure all retrieval requests are logged;
  • To ensure all delivery requests are logged.

7. Retention and Destruction of Files

To ensure that all files are marked clearly prior to filing/logging.

Files due for destruction to be carried out on an annual basis.

8. Recommendations

A dedicated administrator is required.
